Spotlight on:
Troy McLellan, CEO, Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce

Spotlight on:
Troy McLellan, CEO, Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce

By Max Crampton-Thomas

July 2019

2 min read JULY 2019 — Boca Raton is often associated with beautiful beaches, luxury homes and an elevated lifestyle, but the city at the southernmost point of Palm Beach County is also a bustling economic hub of activity. The economic engine that Boca Raton has become is fueled by an abundance of residential and commercial development in the downtown area and the pro-business initiatives set forth by the local government and community organizations. The city also has the benefit of having the largest chamber in Palm Beach County, The Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce, working tirelessly to promote and sustain economic prosperity for Boca Raton. Invest: Palm Beach recently sat down with Troy McLellan, CEO of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce to discuss the current and future success of the business ecosystem in the city.

How is Palm Beach County a conducive environment for successful businesses?  

“Nearly half of all the corporate headquarters in all of Palm Beach County are located in Boca Raton. We have a very rich and robust corporate culture here, with an impressive list of major employers: Office Depot, ADT, Modernizing Medicine, the Boca Raton Resort + Club, the Boca Raton Regional Hospital and Florida Atlantic University to name a few. We’ve had that culture since IBM was located here several decades ago. The entrepreneurial roots run deep in Boca Raton. Even when IBM started to divest, a lot of that intellectual capital remained in our community. From a chamber standpoint, we’re very serious about making sure that our community and all of south Palm Beach County is pro-business. We’re not apologetic at all about wanting our businesses to be successful and creating an environment where they can succeed, no matter the size.”

How does the chamber find the balance between corporate interests and the needs of local citizens amid all of the economic development in South Florida?

“Although we’re bullish on business, we understand that there is a balance to be struck with the community at large. Our residents expect a certain lifestyle, and sometimes growth and development is frustrating for them. We understand and empathize with that, but you can’t be a community that just stops developing because you will no longer be relevant or successful. All of the sudden, you’d lose your competitive edge. Boca Raton has the lowest millage rate of any city in Palm Beach County. That’s not by mistake. It’s because the businesses here carry this community. The contribution to the tax base by the business community in Boca Raton is substantial. I have to tell that story and remind our residents that the businesses are subsidizing this great quality of life we all enjoy. It’s important that message is consistently spread throughout the entire community. Boca Raton is the best place to live, work, learn and play. The Boca Chamber wants to keep it that way!”

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