CAA VIPs: Meet Al!

CAA VIPs: Meet Al!

2022-08-30T08:46:12-04:00August 29th, 2021|Capital Analytics Associates, Human Resources|

2 min read August 2022 – Al, chief financial officer for Capital Analytics Associates, discussed the responsibilities of his role and his favorite things about the position. He also spoke on the moments that have stuck out to him since the business began as well as what he envisions for the company 10 years from now.

What are your responsibilities as Chief Financial Officer?

My responsibilities as Chief Financial Officer are to protect the financial health of the company, ensure that all of our financial records are complete and accurate, and make sure that we comply with all state and federal regulations. I also have to make certain that all bills are paid on time, invoices are collected and payroll occurs without a hitch. 

What are your favorite things about this position?

I get to work with different people around the world, learn how to communicate with them and how to receive and make payments from and for them. My other favorite part of this role is learning something new everyday. 

You have been with Capital Analytics since the beginning. What has been the most challenging thing about growing the business in the current economic climate? 

I don’t think it’s an economic climate that creates any challenges. The thing that creates our challenge is the employment situation. There have been many employers that have found it a difficult process to find talent. We are striving to grow and hire the right people. 

Since the business began, what moment(s) stick out to you as the most rewarding? 

For me, it would be our first Launch Conference. I was new to the business, and I had never been to a launch conference before. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to go to one. However, it was packed. We could hardly get any people in and out. At that point, I realized that our company was going to be successful.

How did your prior experience running a different company prepare you for this role with Capital Analytics?

My prior experience at Advanta Business Services was helpful in that I had many different employees from various states working for me. I learned to communicate with them in a variety of different environments. Additionally, we were a financial company, so finances are second nature to me. The growth was phenomenal, we grew from 10 to 1,000 people. And along the way we had a lot of fun.

In the past you have been an adjunct professor. What was your favorite thing about being a teacher?

I taught at two different colleges, and iIn each case I taught in the business department. It was either finance or banking. The most rewarding part of the job was always the students. 

When you’re not working, what do you like to do to relax?

I like to play golf. My favorite place to frequent is Tavistock Country Club. I also like to take the dog for walks, and I have Sunday dinner with my kids and grandchildren. My wife and I are good friends, so we’re always hanging out and going to dinner. 

If you weren’t Chief Financial Officer at Capital Analytics, what do you think you would be doing right now?

I don’t know. I’m having so much fun. This is an enjoyable job, so I’m not close to figuring that out. 

Where do you envision the company 10 years from now? 

We started in one market, Miami, and now we’re in 20 markets. I wouldn’t doubt that we will be in every state in the country 10 years from now. Also, I wouldn’t doubt that we will be in a couple of different countries within 10 years. I would venture to say that we’ll probably figure out another product line in order to augment what we’re currently doing.

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