Juan Quiroga, President & CEO, JCQ Services, Inc.

Juan Quiroga, President & CEO, JCQ Services, Inc.

2024-05-10T10:21:04-04:00May 10th, 2024|Interviews|

Juan Quiroga, president of JCQ Services, Inc., spoke with Invest: about the population growth in Central Florida and how it creates new opportunities for the company by boosting demand for construction. He also underlined that the company aims to leverage its expertise in prefabricated construction to accelerate timelines.

What have been the most significant achievements of JCQ Services, Inc. in the past year?

JCQ Services has grown steadily for 25 years thanks to our flexibility, technological innovations, strategic investments, and partnerships. Last year, we hit a major milestone with a project at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort. In partnership with Friedrich Watkins Co., we are building 365 cabins in 365 days, each prefabricated off-site panelized construction and then assembled at the resort.

Meeting this ambitious timeline demands pushing the boundaries of innovation and technology, showcasing our commitment to excellence and industry leadership. This milestone also highlights what is happening in construction in Florida. The state’s population is booming, with over 1,500 new residents every week. This has led to a high demand for construction, but there aren’t enough skilled workers or materials, driving up costs, especially for affordable housing.

Despite these challenges, we’re using our innovative methods and technology to offer faster, greener, and more affordable construction options. This project has proven what we can do and has opened up new opportunities for us in affordable housing and other commercial projects. We’re committed to making positive changes in the industry.

What are the most important services in the company’s portfolio?

JCQ Services operates across multiple domains, providing various services, ranging from general contracting to logistics, warehousing, furniture, fixtures and equipment, carpentry, temporary fencing, commercial cleaning, and waste diversion. Our company has been involved in more than 150,000 hotel room renovations. We have expanded our operational capacity over the past two years. We’ve increased our warehousing space to over 500 thousand square feet across our five locations. Our fleet has seen remarkable growth as well. We now have over 200 trucks and other vehicles.

Our rapid growth has also enabled us to extend opportunities to local minority-owned businesses. Through our subcontracting initiatives, we’ve provided mentorship services to these businesses, facilitating the attainment of minority certification and enhancing their capabilities to meet the demands of our regional market. This commitment to helping and supporting local businesses highlights our dedication to driving a positive impact within our community while achieving our company goals.

How would you describe the state of the construction industry in Greater Orlando?

The construction industry in Greater Orlando is experiencing exponential growth. Unlike some other regions where construction may have slowed, Orlando and Florida as a whole are thriving. This environment presents significant opportunities for companies like ours to expand and make a substantial impact, not only within the construction sector but also in shaping the economic landscape of Central Florida. With a focus on prefabricated construction, we are strategically positioned to tackle critical challenges, such as the shortage of affordable housing in the region, driving both innovation and progress in our community.

What is JCQ Services’ strategy to leverage growth in the Central Florida construction sector?

Our company is committed to providing multi-sector services to cater to diverse commercial client needs. This approach enhances efficiency and enables better cost management and centralized quality control. JCQ Services will also continue investing in technology and a skilled workforce while leveraging prefabricated construction to address the affordable housing crisis. Through partnerships with local government and private entities, JCQ seeks to offer innovative solutions to housing affordability challenges in the region. Also, by partnering with leading economic development organizations like the Orlando Economic Partnership, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Hispanic Economic Advancement Foundation, we are actively contributing to propel Central Florida to the forefront of economic excellence.

What are the industries or sectors that are driving demand for JCQ Service’s business?

The primary industry driving demand for JCQ Services’ business is hospitality, mainly through services for theme parks and hotel renovations. The company’s expanded warehousing and logistics services have also generated further opportunities within the hospitality sector. Adopting prefabricated construction technology has opened new horizons, offering cost efficiency, versatility, and environmentally friendly solutions. With a focus on minimizing waste, current projects boast an impressive 1% waste production rate. Through prudent financial planning and management, we aim to maintain stability and capitalize on expansion opportunities.

What challenges has the rise of property insurance prices brought to Central Florida?

The rise in property insurance prices in Central Florida has presented challenges primarily due to the region’s susceptibility to natural disasters like hurricanes. However, JCQ Services’ proposition of using metal for construction instead of traditional building materials, such as wood, has been widely embraced by customers. Metal structures offer increased hurricane resistance and require less maintenance and pest control than wood, thus mitigating insurance needs and providing a more sustainable solution for the region.

What are some of the unique aspects that differentiate Greater Orlando from other markets?

Greater Orlando stands out from other markets due to several unique aspects: Our region is among the fastest growing in the nation, with approximately 1,000 people relocating to the area every week. This influx of residents is stimulating our economic development and job creation. 

Orlando is also recognized as a thriving and secure investment destination, attracting domestic and international investors seeking promising opportunities.

However, despite this positive growth, Central Florida faces significant infrastructure challenges, particularly concerning transportation. The rapid population growth strains existing road networks, highlighting the need for better public transportation solutions to prevent issues like traffic congestion and ensure the region’s continued sustainability and livability.

What is your outlook for JCQ Services Orlando for the next two to three years?

Over the next two to three years, JCQ Services is poised for significant growth and impact in both the construction industry and the economic landscape of Greater Orlando. As a Hispanic-owned company, one of our primary goals is to continue providing opportunities for other small businesses to grow, just as we were supported during our early years. Leveraging our expertise in prefabricated construction, we aim to address pressing issues such as the affordable housing shortage in the region. By expanding our construction projects and collaborating with key stakeholders, we’re strategically positioned to contribute to the local economy while meeting critical local needs.

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