How Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique author, continues to inspire

How Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique author, continues to inspire

2024-03-15T08:17:32-04:00March 15th, 2024|Capital Analytics Associates, CEO Insights|

Business insights, CEO, small businesses, leadership, Women’s History Month, Betty Friedan, opinion
As Women’s History Month continues to unfold, I am reflecting on the trailblazers who have shaped the path for women – and me, personally – in various fields. One such pioneer is Betty Friedan, whose work in journalism and advocacy laid the groundwork for modern feminism and continues to inspire women today.

Like Friedan, I have worked in journalism and advertising, and her journey resonates deeply with me. Friedan’s career was not without its challenges; she faced setbacks and discrimination, yet she persisted, paving the way for women like me in media.

One aspect of Friedan’s life that particularly inspires me is her role as a working mother. In an era when societal norms dictated that women should stay home, Friedan defied expectations and pursued a career while raising her children. As a mother myself, I admire her courage and determination to balance work and family life, something I appreciate is no easy task. I feel like each day I am faced with making a choice: work or my kid? My kid or personal life? And whatever the answer, the guilt remains. I logically had to choose work, so I must be a bad mother. I obviously had to choose my kid, so I have no time for myself. And things like sleep or enjoying a book just never seems to be on the table. But while all these choices are difficult, I have them. Women like Betty Friedman had to defy social norms and create those choices for herself, much to many people’s dislike and disapproval. 

Friedan’s resilience was truly remarkable. Despite facing obstacles, such as losing a job to a man who was released from prison and being fired from another position after giving birth, she refused to be defeated. Instead, she used these experiences as fuel for her advocacy work.

In my case, when I first started my career, many of my friends and family thought I was nuts to move across the world to relocate in the Middle East. How could I, a twenty-nothing-year-old with no international experience survive, let alone make a career, in such a foreign land? Much like Friedan, I took other’s disbelief and let it fuel my fire to learn, grow and succeed. 

In her groundbreaking book, The Feminine Mystique, Friedan challenged the status quo and gave voice to the feelings of countless women who felt unfulfilled and marginalized. She shattered the myth of the happy housewife and ignited a conversation about women’s rights and equality. She has inspired me to speak my own truth and not adhere to social norms when they don’t feel right to me.

One of Friedan’s most significant contributions was the founding of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Through NOW, Friedan advocated for equal pay laws and addressed other issues affecting women. NOW became a powerful voice for the women’s movement, lobbying political leaders and raising awareness about women’s issues. Decades later, we still have mountains to move, but in my capacity as an employer, I am doing my work to ensure that equal work is equally paid.

I am proud of what I have accomplished at Capital Analytics. I have always understood that diversity is an advantage and have made that my priority. We have women and people of color in senior leadership positions. We are transparent in our positions and tiers, allowing each team member to understand what their other team members are taking home. And we have put in place mentorship and leadership programs so that every member of our staff has an equal opportunity to learn, grow and rise within the organization. 

Betty Friedan’s legacy continues to inspire women to this day. Her fearless pursuit of equality and her willingness to speak truth to power serve as a reminder of the power of one person to effect change. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let us remember and honor trailblazers like Betty Friedan, who paved the way for future generations of women.

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